Board of Abatement Hearing October 1, 2020
Attendees: Teresa Godfrey (Town Clerk), Linda Runnion, Phyllis Humez, John Benson, Dennis LaRocque, Robert Jake Stewart, C. Curtis Koren
Mrs. Godfrey opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Godfrey explained the reason for a request of abatement of a portion of taxes for Richard and Alice Kempe. On February 15, 2020 the Kempe’s house burned to the ground. They requested a portion of their taxes for the balance of the year be abated. Mrs. Godfrey, as a Lister, was able to calculate the portion relating to the house. Replacement cost new less depreciation value: $156,500 X tax rate 1.9689 equals total taxes paid for home and garage at $3,081.33. Per Diem rate $3,081.33/365 = $8.442/day
Balance of year from Feb 15th: February 14 days, March 31 days, April 30 days, May 31 days, June 30 days =136 days. $8.442 X 136 = $1,148.11 requested abatement amount to be applied to the new tax year.
On motion by Linda Runnion, seconded by John Benson, the Board voted to abate $1,148.11 from the 2019-2020 tax year allowing the Kempe’s to apply to the new tax year.
Motion carried.
The second Board of Abatement concerned a Lister’s error. While the Lister’s were preparing for a State Appraisal Hearing, they used the property sale value of Ronald Halterman and Jill Irvine as a comparable. They inadvertently left the land acreage at 147 acres vs the 30 the Halterman’s owned. This error was not discovered when the Grand List for 2019-2020 was “frozen”. This caused an over payment of $2,688.76 in taxes for the Halterman’s.
On motion by Linda Runnion, seconded by John Benson, the Board voted to refund the owners $2,688.76. Due to their taxes being paid by escrow, it didn’t make sense to credit them forward.
Motion carried.
On motion by C. Curtis Koren, seconded by Linda Runnion, the Board of Abatement adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Teresa Godfrey, Town Clerk
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