Brookfield Selectboard Meeting of May 25, 2015
Town Clerk’s Office on Ralph Road
Selectboard: John Benson (Chair), Jeff Kimmel, Cory Haggett
Public Attendees: Teresa Godfrey (Recorder), John Bowmer (WRVA Rep. /EMT), Pat Cassidy (WRVA Rep. /EMT), Nick Tarr (WRVA Rep. /EMT), Scott Karlan (WRVA Rep. /EMT)
1. Call to Order:
Mr. Benson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. m.
2. Adjustments to Agenda:
Mr. Benson moved the WRVA Representatives presentation to the next item on the agenda.
3. New Business:
Mr. Bowmer, WRVA Representative, wanted to understand where Brookfield stood as far as “splitting” the Town for emergency medical services. He also wanted to see how WRVA could improve the service to different parts of town. He had spoken with Dave Jennings, Barre Town EMS, and they both agreed that the “dividing” line would be Route 65 for equal drive times. WRVA does not want to change coverage however, using mutual aid with other EMS, response times would be better. With mutual aid, Williamstown, Northfield, or First Branch EMS could respond simultaneously with WRVA as Brookfield’s primary responder. Mr. Tarr showed a map with colored areas representing actual response times and said Mr. Jennings had created a similar map with the same overlapping area for the longer response times.
The Board would like WRVA to continue investigating the possible use of mutual aid and come back to a Selectboard meeting with a plan including how the mutual aid would affect the Town. They would also like to see how it worked over a 4-6 month period.
4. Old Business:
On motion by Mr. Kimmel, seconded by Mr. Haggett, the Board voted to approve the minutes of May 11, 2015 and the special meeting on May 18, 2015 as amended. Vote 3-0-0
5. Highway Report:
The Board received a Bridge Inspection Report from VTrans. A copy will be given to Ray Peck, Highway Foreman.
Mr. Haggett reported the Road Crew is working on tree removal/clean-up for the next 2 weeks. Kosta Makris’s last day will be Friday, May 26, 2015.
The Board gave approval for purchasing a Cannon camera for the Highway Foreman to use.
6. Accounts Payable:
On motion by Mr. Benson, seconded by Mr. Haggett, the Board voted to pay the warrants in the amount of $7,595.54. This included a payment to BC/BS for $2,378.13 and Randolph Auto Supply for $933.89. Vote 3-0-0
7. New Business:
The Board would like to recognize the Floating Bridge Committee for orchestrating the opening ceremony and all of the festivities, with a special acknowledgement to Perry Kacik for his enthusiasm for putting it all together.
Mr. Benson would like Mrs. Godfrey to call Dimmick Septic and order a portable toilet to have placed on the western side of the Floating Bridge now that the new bridge is complete.
On motion by Mr. Benson, seconded by Mr. Haggett, the Board voted to approve an access permit from Douglas Flint for access on the Stone Road approximately 1.3 miles from the intersection of Route 65 and Stone Road in the Village. Vote 3-0-0
8. Adjournment:
On motion by Mr. Haggett, seconded by Mr. Kimmel, the Board voted to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. until the next meeting on June 8, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Vote 3-0-0
Respectfully submitted,
Teresa Godfrey, Recorder
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