Brookfield Selectboard Meeting of February 22, 2016
Town Clerk’s Office on Ralph Road
Selectboard: John Benson (Chair), Cory Haggett, Jeff Kimmel
Public Attendees: Teresa Godfrey (Recorder)
- Call to Order:
Mr. Benson called the meeting to order at 7:05 p. m.
2. Adjustments to the Agenda:
Mr. Benson opened the meeting for the pre-town meeting discussion.
On motion by Mr. Benson, seconded by Mr. Kimmel, the Board closed the meeting due to there being no public attending the meeting. Vote 3-0-0
3. Old Business:
On motion by Mr. Benson, seconded by Mr. Haggett, the Board voted to approve the minutes of February 8, 2016 as amended. Vote 3-0-0
On motion by Mr. Benson, seconded by Mr. Haggett, the Board voted to go into executive session at 7:10 p.m. for wage related issues.
On motion by Mr. Haggett, seconded by Mr. Kimmel, the Board came out of executive session at 7:35 p.m.
Mr. Benson will contact the State concerning the resurfacing of Route 65 by the State.
Mr. Haggett will talk to Ray Peck about the need for an additional stop sign on Eagle Peak Road.
Mr. Kimmel spoke about the Public Service Board requesting the Towns having more say concerning cell towers and wind generators. The Board received a request from Rutland Town asking the Board to sign a petition concerning this issue. After some discussion, the Board has forwarded the information to the Brookfield Planning Commission for their input.
The Board received a letter from Anthony Egizi concerning a Right-of-Way issue for the Route 65 and West Street intersection. Mr. Kimmel will be contacting the abutting property owners concerning this.
4. New Business:
The Board received a letter from the Agency of Natural Resources concerning the change in how the State will calculate the PILOT payments to the Town.
The Brookfield Listers submitted a Grand List Certificate to the Board that states that the 2015 Grand List has no appeal or suit pending and is closed for any litigation.
On motion by Mr. Benson, seconded by Mr. Kimmel the Board voted to execute the Certificate of No Appeal or Suit Pending and submitted it to the Town Clerk, Teresa Godfrey, for filing with the Grand List. Vote 3-0-0
5. Highway Report:
The Board received a call concerning missing street signs that have been replaced multiple times. Mr. Haggett will pass the concern on to Mr. Peck to follow-up on.
The Board received information on a Sprint Flooding Seminar. Mr. Haggett will pass this information on to Mr. Peck to see if he is interested in attending.
Mrs. Godfrey will post the mud season weight restrictions from the State at the Town Office, Post Office, the new bulletin board at the Fire Station, and at the West Brookfield bulletin board.
There was a complaint concerning the fill the Road Crew has been using for the muddy sections of road. The stones have punctured several tires. Mr. Haggett will speak to Mr. Peck about using a different fill stone.
6. Policy and Ordinance Review.
The Board has tabled the updating of the drug and alcohol policy.
The Board discussed the need for putting out bids for different jobs and if there is a major concern with the current process for having contract work done. They have tabled it until there is a requirement for the process.
7. Accounts Payable:
On motion by Mr. Haggett, seconded by Mr. Kimmel, the Board voted to pay the warrants in the amount of $51,106.63. The payment included a payment to Orange County in the amount of $36,620.90, to WRVA in the amount of $6,457.85, and to BC/BS for $3,283.15. Vote 3-0-0
8. Adjournment:
On motion by Mr. Kimmel, seconded by Mr. Benson, the Board voted to adjourn at 8:40 p. m. until Town Meeting on March 1, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. Vote 3-0-0
Respectfully submitted,
Teresa Godfrey, Recorder
The post Selectboard Meeting Minutes of February 22, 2016 (draft) appeared first on Brookfield, Vermont.